Clarington's Support for Advocacy Against Symbols of Hate
On May 10, 2021, the General Government Committee of Clarington discussed a motion regarding symbols of hate. The motion, moved by Councillor Hooper and seconded by Councillor Anderson, included several key components. It requested that the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) petition the Provincial Government to enact legislation allowing municipalities to make enforceable decisions regarding symbols deemed unacceptable by local communities. The motion also expressed support for the Town of Collingwood's advocacy for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to push for federal legislation that clarifies and strengthens the definition of hate speech and symbols. This includes recognizing the psychological harm caused by such symbols and addressing the root causes of hate speech. Additionally, the motion called for the establishment of an anti-racism policy applicable to all staff and visitors of municipal facilities. The motion was carried unanimously and will be forwarded to AMO, FCM, and local Members of Parliament and Provincial Parliament for their information.