Overview of Homelessness in Durham Region Presented to General Government Committee
On March 4, 2024, a presentation on homelessness in Durham Region was delivered by Sahar Foroutani, Jocelyn Siciliano, and Stella Danos-Papaconstantinou during the General Government Committee meeting. Foroutani, the Area Manager of the Homeless System Team, provided an overview of the homelessness system, which includes emergency shelters, supports, services, homelessness prevention, and housing-related services. The presentation detailed various situations of homelessness, including unsheltered individuals, those in emergency shelters, temporarily accommodated persons, and those at risk of homelessness.
Foroutani also discussed the Housing First program, the coordinated access system, and the by-name list, which is a tool used to track individuals experiencing homelessness. Siciliano outlined the homelessness outreach services available, which include the Mental Health Outreach Program, Primary Care Outreach Program, and Durham Region Outreach Workers, in addition to community street outreach programs.
The presentation concluded with an overview of key performance indicators related to homelessness services, as well as contact information for homeless help and training opportunities. The presenters answered questions from committee members following their presentation, and the delegation was received with thanks by the committee.