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Public Meeting Scheduled for Proposed Developments in Courtice and Bowmanville

The Municipality of Clarington has announced a public meeting to discuss proposed developments in Courtice and Bowmanville. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 21, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. and will be held both online and in person at the Municipal Administrative Centre, located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville.

Proposed Development at Courtice Road and Bloor Street

  • Application: Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision.
  • Applicant: KLM Planning Partners on behalf of 2056421 Ontario Inc.
  • Location: 1738 Bloor Street, Courtice.
  • Details: The proposal includes the development of 1,356 residential units, which will consist of:
  • Two high-density mixed-use blocks
  • Three medium-density blocks
  • A neighbourhood park
  • A stormwater management block
  • Two road widening blocks along Courtice Road and Bloor Street.

Proposed Development at Mearns and Concession Road 3

  • Application: Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment.
  • Applicant: Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of Eiram Development Ltd.
  • Location: South-west corner of Mearns Avenue and Concession Road 3, Bowmanville.
  • Details: The proposal includes plans for 275 residential units, which will include:
  • A 12-storey mixed-use residential building
  • Three-storey townhouse units
  • A mix of land uses including residential, commercial, and outdoor amenities.

Second Statutory Public Meeting for Proposed Development on Bowmanville Avenue

  • Application: Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision.
  • Applicant: GHD on behalf of Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc.
  • Location: 1525-1585 Bowmanville Avenue.
  • Details: The revised proposal seeks to permit the development of 448 dwelling units, which will include:
  • One 14-storey apartment building
  • One 10-storey apartment building
  • Two 4-storey townhouse buildings.

Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on these proposals during the public meeting. For those wishing to speak at the meeting, pre-registration is required for online participation. In-person attendees do not need to pre-register. Written comments can also be submitted prior to the meeting.