Road Closure on Regional Road 13 in Brock Township Starting August 12, 2024
The Regional Municipality of Durham has announced a road closure on Regional Road 13 in the Township of Brock. The closure will affect the section from 732 metres east of Lakeridge Road to 810 metres west of Sideroad 17.
Details of the Closure:
- Location: Regional Road 13, from 732 metres east of Lakeridge Road to 810 metres west of Sideroad 17, in Brock.
- Start Date: August 12, 2024.
- Expected Completion: December 2024 for this phase, with surface asphalt expected by the end of May 2025. The schedule may be impacted by unfavorable weather conditions.
- Reason: Road reconstruction, including asphalt removal, grading, drainage, granular base and subbase, curb and gutter, hot mix asphalt, culvert replacement, two precast box culverts, sod and seed, and new plantings.
Impact on Traffic:
- Traffic will be detoured via Lakeridge Road (Regional Road 23), Regional Road 10, and Highway 7/12.
- Local traffic and emergency access will be maintained.
- Residents should expect traffic delays and are advised to exercise additional caution for the safety of the workers.
- Access to driveways will be maintained whenever possible, with notifications provided if vehicles need to be moved.
- Construction equipment may cause noticeable noise and vibration for nearby residents and businesses.
For more information, visit