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Weather report for Oct 22, 2024

Today, Clarington will enjoy sunny weather with a high of 24°C and a low of 13°C as the evening rolls in. The UV index is at a moderate level of 4, so wearing sunscreen is advisable for any prolonged outdoor activities.

Looking ahead:

  • Wednesday: Expect a mix of sun and cloud with a 40% chance of afternoon showers. Winds will start from the southwest at 20 km/h, shifting to northwest at 30 km/h late in the afternoon. The high will reach 19°C, with a moderate UV index of 3 .
  • Thursday: A return to sunny skies with a high of 11°C during the day and clear conditions overnight, as temperatures dip to 2°C.
  • Friday: A mix of sun and cloud is anticipated, with a 40% chance of showers. Highs around 13°C, cooling to lows of 5°C at night.

Weekend Preview:

  • Saturday: Chance of showers persists, with a high of 10°C. Temperatures will drop to a chilly -1°C overnight, accompanied by cloudy periods.
  • Sunday: The weather clears up slightly with a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 9°C. Overnight, expect cloudy periods and a low of 2°C.

Plan accordingly and have a great week ahead!

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