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Weather report for Oct 24, 2024

Today in Clarington, Ont., expect mainly sunny weather with a high of 12°C. The afternoon will clear up with northwest winds at 20 km/h, becoming light later. The UV index is 3, which is considered moderate, so you might want to wear sunscreen if you're spending extended time outside. Tonight, it will be clear with a low of 2°C.

Looking ahead to the weekend:

  • Friday: There's a 30% chance of showers with a high of 13°C. It will be cloudy in the morning but clear up later. The UV index will be low at 2. The night will have cloudy periods with a low of 6°C.
  • Saturday: Anticipate a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 11°C. The night will be clear and chilly with temperatures dropping to 1°C.
  • Sunday: The day will be sunny with a high of 12°C. Sunday night is expected to bring cloudy periods, and it could get quite cold with a low of -2°C.

Stay prepared for sudden weather changes, especially in the evenings, as temperatures drop significantly.

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