West Beach Cottagers Lease Agreement Discussions
During the General Government Committee meeting on May 29, 2023, discussions were held regarding the lease agreements for the West Beach cottagers. Charles MacDonald, a leaseholder, addressed the committee, stating that his lease, along with those of other cottagers, is set to expire at the end of the year. He requested a five-year extension for all cottages, noting that four cottagers had received a one-year extension letter from Rob Maciver. MacDonald provided historical context about West Beach and answered questions from committee members.
Rick McEachern, a local historian, also spoke in support of the lease extensions, emphasizing the historical significance of the West Beach cottages and their role in community leisure activities. He requested the committee's support for the lease renewal.
Susie Plumpton, representing the Port Darlington Community Association, highlighted the contributions of the cottagers in maintaining the area and argued that the cottages do not obstruct public space. She requested an amendment to extend the lease agreements.
A motion (Resolution # GG-104-23) was proposed by Mayor Foster and seconded by Councillor Zwart to prepare lease agreements granting life leases to the original tenants, contingent upon their continued use of the cottages. This motion was lost on a recorded vote of 3 to 3. A subsequent motion to refer the matter back to staff for further reporting was also lost.
The committee received the delegations with thanks but did not reach a decision on the lease extensions during this meeting.