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Overview of the Durham York Energy Centre Operations

The Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) is an energy-from-waste facility located in Courtice, Ontario. It processes approximately 140,000 tonnes of residential waste annually. The facility generates enough electricity to power over 10,000 homes and contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by offsetting the use of other fuels for energy production. Additionally, the DYEC recovers and recycles the equivalent of 36 million aluminum cans and 3,000 cars worth of steel each year, which would otherwise be lost to landfill.

The DYEC employs a controlled combustion system to burn residential garbage, recover energy and metals, and uses air emission control technologies to maintain emissions within regulatory limits. Emissions are continuously sampled and monitored to ensure compliance with the Environmental Compliance Approval and standards set by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

As the Durham Region grows, there is a plan to increase the DYEC's processing capacity to 160,000 tonnes per year. This expansion will not require changes to the facility's equipment but will necessitate adherence to existing permit limits. The facility's operations and environmental performance are regularly monitored and reported on the DYEC website.

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