Trudeau Walkway Issues Discussed at General Government Committee
The General Government Committee discussed ongoing issues related to the Trudeau Drive Walkway during their meeting on February 28, 2022. Residents in the vicinity have reported concerns about vandalism, graffiti, crime, and harassment, particularly from teenagers gathering in the area during school hours. This situation has reportedly worsened over the years, leading to at least one resident moving away and another feeling unsafe to voice concerns due to fear of retaliation from students. Traffic congestion caused by parents dropping off children has also been noted, potentially delaying emergency response times.
Councillor Traill moved a resolution to address these issues, proposing that staff, along with the Durham Region Police Service and members of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, meet to discuss potential resolutions. Suggestions included relocating the smoking section on school property and prohibiting pick-ups and drop-offs from Trudeau Drive. Additionally, a survey will be conducted among residents to gauge support for either closing the walkway or keeping it open with restrictions. The matter was referred to staff for further reporting at the April 11, 2022, General Government Committee meeting.