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Weather report for Dec 06, 2024

Today in Clarington, Ontario, you can expect a mainly cloudy day with a 40% chance of flurries. Winds will become west 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h by noon. The temperature will reach a high of minus 2 degrees Celsius, bringing a wind chill of minus 12 in the morning and minus 9 in the afternoon. The UV index is low at 1.

Friday night will be partly cloudy, with winds becoming light later in the evening and the temperature dropping to a low of minus 6. The wind chill will be near minus 9.

For the weekend, Saturday will feature periods of snow beginning in the afternoon with approximately 2 cm expected. There won't be much wind, and the temperature will hover around zero degrees, with a wind chill of minus 8 expected in the morning.

Saturday night may see a 40% chance of flurries with temperatures dipping to a low of minus 2.

As Sunday unfolds, it will remain cloudy with a high of plus 5 degrees. Stay warm and plan accordingly for your activities over the weekend!

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