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Weather report for Dec 08, 2024

The weather report for Clarington, Ontario, on Sunday, December 08, 2024, is as follows:

  • Sunday: Expect a cloudy day with periods of rain mixed with drizzle. The temperature will rise to a high of plus 5°C during the day. Winds from the west will be around 20 km/h but will calm down by the late afternoon. As the evening approaches, expect the skies to remain cloudy with a low of around plus 1°C.
  • Monday: The day will be overcast with periods of rain beginning early in the morning. There's a potential risk of freezing rain by the afternoon. East winds will blow at 30 km/h, with temperatures steady near plus 2°C. Overnight, there will be a 60% chance of showers, and the temperature will drop to a low of plus 4°C.
  • Tuesday: Remain prepared for a cloudy day with a 40% chance of showers. The high will be around plus 4°C. As night falls, there will be a 30% chance of rain showers or flurries with temperatures dipping to minus 2°C.
  • Wednesday and Beyond: The rest of the week seems to have a fluctuating weather pattern with chances of flurries on Wednesday and Friday. Temperatures are expected to rise to minus 1°C on Wednesday and drop to minus 9°C by Thursday night.

Weekend Preview:

  • Saturday: Expect a cloudy day with a high of plus 1°C.

As the weeks progress, prepare for cold temperatures, so ensure you are dressed warmly and cautious of potential slippery roads during periods of rain.

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